Alison McTavish - When treatment fails Alison McTavish - Successful fertility service Aivar Ehrenberg - The regulation of assisted reproduction_Estonia Andrei Syritsa - The beginning Of IVF in Baltic Andres Salumets - Introduction Andris Grunskis - The regulation of assisted reproduction_Latvia Antti Perheentupa - Fertility Preservation Antti Perheentupa - Embryo transfer Birute Zilaitiene - The assessment and investigation of the infertile couple Egle Drejeriene - The regulation of assisted reproduction_Lithuania Joris Vermeesch - Genomic applications in preimplantation nd prenatal diagnosis Kaarel Krjutshov - Genomic technologies for assisted reproduction Maris Arajs - Surgical problems in infertility-fibroids Mark Hamilton - Introduction Mark Hamilton - Unexplained infertility Mark Hamilton - Training in reproductive medicine Raj Mathur - Male and female work up and stimulation regimes Raj Mathur Management of Ovulatory Dysfunction Richard Kennedy - Health outcomes after IVF Solvita Funka - Cryopreservation-clinical aspects Virginia Bolton - Cryopreservation - Laboratory Aspects Virginia Bolton - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis - Laboratory and Clinical Aspects Virginia Bolton - Gamete Preparation & Embryo Culture Virginia Bolton - Quality Assurance in Assisted Conception Zivile Cerkiene - Introduction
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